It's funny living on a small island. Bad news travels fast. I tattoo people from around the world everyday. When I tattoo locals I hear about what people are saying in the so called graffiti scene or tattoo scene. In a way I don't want it to bother me. But it does, to think that there is somebody wasting there time thinking about hating on what I pretty funny. I'll just put this out there and say that I am aware and nothing goes by the coconut wireless here in Hawaii.
While they waste there time running there mouth, my goal is to stay focused on creating quality in whatever medium I do, whether it's painting tattooing, or just straight graff.
Adversity is character building. Rise above the sitiuation that test your character. Nothing in this world is permanent. What does it gain a man if he has the entire world but looses his Soul.
My new addiction
Decep swung by Soul Signature and dropped off this old photo album with some Old school Hawaii Graff in it.
Live painting at Surfing the Nations during the Josh Gerrals show in WahiawaGot to tattoo one of the Hawaiian Elders, he brought a lot of manna to the shop
Mermaid with a chain leash playing a black fender guitar.