Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lord Krang, Family, Soul food, and Horse food

With my Mom and Dad grindin an In and Out Animal style burger before my flight overseas
With my wife eatin some fried chicken corn bread and collard greens
Lord Krangs Home with the homies at Soul Signature tattoo
Eating some Tongan Horse

Working on some new ideas for tattoos at Soul Signature tattoo, hit me up if you want to be apart of the progression of this secret

Filipino Menehune and J Boog

Thanks Lucky for the flic

RIME & TheSeventhLetter for ZOOYORK from TheSeventhLetter on Vimeo.

True Love Tattoo Madrid

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Late nite movie

Graffiti and greatwhite sharks

It's been awhile! Happy New Year

Neo contemporay owl poly style on one of my clients.

Live painting in Kona Big Island, try painting a canvas this big in 10 minutes in front of 300 people.
Thanks Micah for the flic

Staying up a little bit later that usual. The mind can be a dangerous place to dwell, when I'm not taking captive of my thoughts. Negative thinking leads nowhere. Learning daily to rise above my internal adversities.
Goals for this year
1. to be diligent and purposeful with the craft, seeking excellence
2. monitor my spiritual relationship daily
3. spend more time with my wife, affirming her
4. surf more