The day seemed to
escalate with problems from the start until the very (bitter) end.
5:30a- Woke up to the rain crashing down on the wifey and my "just washed
" clothes hanging on the line. Sometimes it's just good to have a know?
6:00a- Read an email from an irate student.
7:00a- At the laundry mat re-drying everything.
8:00a- Go home, eat left overs from dinner the night before.
8:30a- Wrote in blog. Starting to feel a little bit better.
9:30a- Ride my bike to the tattoo shop. Almost all better.
10:00a- Notice that my bike tire is getting flat. What!?! I just changed it!
11:00a- Clean tubes.
11:30a- Boss talks to me about, ah man, a giant mistake. I did an outline for someone's tattoo and
didnt' proof read it all the way. Big...big...BIGGGG mistake!
12:00p- By now, feeling really horrible, tired and hungry.
12:30p- Walked to
Mcully bike shop to get a new tube for my bike.
1:30p- At the tattoo shop, in the back where it smells like sewage, trying to change my tire.
2:00p- Ate a (frozen) burrito for lunch.
2:30p- Helped out an artist get ready for their art show at
3:00p- On my way to my 2nd job on my bike, my boss for the 2nd job yells out the window: "Hurry up! Ha, ha..." so loud that I almost lose control and face plant.
3:30p- Change and get ready to serve at a
4:00p- Start to serve tables and get instantaneously slammed with 8 tables.
6:30p- I get a guest complaint to the manager saying that I was slow and gave them bad service. Ah...kind of hard with 8 tables of more than 2 each?
Punched in the wrong food.
Punched in a wrong order.
8:00p- By now? Getting hungry.
8:30p- Ate half of a burger that was about three hours old.
9:00p- Got cut from my shift to do my side work and somebody
else's side work. :-<
10:30p- Ride my bike home.
11:00p- Arrive at home wondering: what a day! Tried to process what I could possibly learn from all the craziness.
12:00a- Yeah, I'm still up. Remembered a friend that got murdered this same day11 years ago. I became thankful again, for life and learning how to slow down; not
overwhelm myself with a lot of stuff on the "plate".
Clarity arrives within the storms of life