Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rest in Peace Duddly, Hello bus stop

I found this picture on the Ong King facebook site check it out, My first little show back in Hawaii circa 2006

During that same year had my first solo Art show at Ong King

Rest in Peace Duddly, when I have enough skrilla we'll get you resurrected again

On my journey from the bus you see things a lot closer then others people who are in there cars do. The world seems more detailed. I thought I had it bad because I have to take the bus. This bum give me a better perspective on how blessed I really am.

Waiting at the bus stops with all the Nanas and Tatas

My new transportation, If you see me waiting at the bus stop hook me up with a ride.


1 comment:

G.Wings said...

man, poor duddly...