Friday, April 10, 2009

Humble Beginnings and late night tacos

Lester showing off his Job stoppers. Young gun with knuckle tatts.

Hopefully this will work for a shirt design for the students. Hit me up if your interested in the limited prints of Mutant Ninja Mokes
Late night design, crashed around 2:35 am
Young B boys @ Diverse art center working on there craft

This is where I lost my appetite, I think I was just muchin away during class. Tati and Greg grindin some Doritos. The flavor smelled like dirt , but it really tasted like tacos @ midnight.

Finally I can almost see the end of the tunnel of apprenticeship, I need to be steady still. I have quiet a way to go. It's been a humbling experience to retrain yourself something you been doing at a very young age. Everyone has to start somewhere to get to there finish line. Thanks Orly for the machines.

Humble Beginnings


KaLiTa said...

If and when I come thru to HI maybe in the next several months. I want a tatt from you. I still have video of you in Mr. Dotsons math class talking gibberish showing me your sketch book Ha Ha!

Eukarezt said...

Hey chica its good seeing you online, definetly I'll hit you up. I would love to see that video of me in High school, is there a way you could send me a link or something so I can view it.

Miss you mucho chica


G.Wings said...
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