Monday, May 4, 2009

Went to get the oil change in my wifeys car. So I decide to pack my bike in the back and take a little stroll around town. You find a lot of cool saying and things when your riding your bike

I found this nice little mexican breakfast joint called Mundavi Cafe, good size portion burritos. I can feel my love handles gettin bigger. I need to change my diet.

Dude this block busters still running. This ones about nine years old.

The love handles are getting bigger

I don't understand

Chasing after the sun on a Sunday evening. Family dinner time

Old skool Burner with Kiro DTC KYT rokin the (Zen piece) HB, Euk HB, Surf legend Mike and Emit DF. I was runnin a fever that day. Still had enough energy to paint with some legends.

Here we go again, it looks like a case of the mondays



kelli mercado said...


muldavi is the bomb spot. it's right at the bottom of my hill!

hope u weren't late to yardhouse!

G.Wings said...

I'd REALLY like to learn some basic graffiti stuff. But I've a feeling that it's something within you...and not all of us are blessed with certain abilities. Good luck at Estria and hopefull I'll be able to come and check you and Mark out over there. Peace and see ya